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9 Ways To Make Money With Hard Money Loan

9 ways to investos make money with hard money loans

Most millionaires owe their success to real estate investing. In fact, it’s a common quote of investors “Landlords make money in their sleep.” But there is a lesser known quote that successful real estate investors share.

“Always use others people, time resources and money to grow your own business.”

Making money with hard money loans is easy! Using hard money loans make it easy for you to not only start real estate investing but grow your own real estate empire.

Using any of the following strategies to grow your business and future millions!

House Flipping

House flipping is a favorite of many real estate investors. In fact fix and flip loans are one of the most popular hard money loan options.

There is more to house flipping than meets the eye, but with so many house flip shows, it’s easy to see how any real estate investor could make money this way.

Hard money makes house flipping easy, because hard money loans make purchasing the property and making crucial repairs easy. If you make the right repairs, and have a great property in a great location, you can easily make a small fortune from house flipping.


Real estate investors love working with wholesalers. Wholesalers ability to move undervalued properties make them a crucial asset when finding properties to flip or to rent.

Wholesalers will use hard money loans to buy properties they know will sell, but do not have a buyer lined up.

Hard money makes it easy for wholesalers to snatch great properties with stellar potential quickly and without push backs from their sellers.

Hard money makes wholesaling easy by offering fast capital to buy properties. Once they have properties to entice their buyers ist they can make more money with hard money by purchasing properties for buyers to fight for.


Renting Houses

Becoming a landlord is the best way to make a monthly passive income, without all the hard work of flipping homes and finding new properties.

Using hard money loans to upgrade or purchase great rentals is a great way to ensure higher monthly rents. You can even use hard money loans to add amenities to your rental to make it more enticing to more tenants.

A Home rehab loan is a great way to make a large one-time rental, such as a top of the line AC system, or even add a pool to your property, so you can save future headaches and charge higher rents.

Making the right repairs for your rentals means you can charge a higher monthly rent.  By using hard money loans on your rental property, you can make a higher monthly income and be able to build your own passive income.

using hard money loans to investing in rentals

Vacation Rentals

Vacation rentals are all the rage in Phoenix. With Phoenix population continues to grow, the vacation rental industry is on the rise and will continue to do so.

Making money with vacation rentals isn’t as tricky as it sounds. Similar to home rentals, using hard money to purchase, upgrade, and update your property not only ensures zero vacancies but a higher year-round income.

When using a hard money loan for your vacation rental, the key upgrades should be luxury, not necessity. Think of what features would separate your rental from the crowd?

Using a hard money loan to add hot tub may see frivolous, but may be the addition you need to hit a zero vacancy summer. With so much competition, any feature you can add to separate yourself from the pack is a great investment in your passive income.


Rental incomes can make your more monthly income from a standard rental but only if you have the right type of rental.

Commercial Real Estate Investing

Commercial real estate investing is one of the hardest real estate markets to tap into. But those lucky investors who are able to do commercial real estate find themselves with a jackpot.

Commercial Real estate is incredibly difficult to break into, but those real estate investors can find themselves with an incredible lucrative resource.

Businesses make easy tenants, that provide stable cash flow and an easy passive income.

Using hard money loans to purchase commercial properties, and make small upgrades is a sure-fire way to make money with commercial real estate.

With more companies moving to Phoenix every single day, finding tenants will be easy, as the demand has never been higher.


Mobile Home Investments

In Phoenix, Mobile home sales are on the rise.

So if you aren’t investing in mobile homes, you are leaving money on the table.

One of the many benefits of mobile homes is the lower costs per unit. Real estate investors have noticed a spike in mobile home investments.

The demand for mobile homes is still high. So using hard money loans to purchase land, mobile unit is a great way to build not only a lucrative monthly business but an early retirement.

Airbnb Rentals (Short Term Rentals)

The financial benefits of short-term rentals are not only appealing to the average person, but also to professional property investors who don’t live in the house or apartment they’re renting out on Airbnb. If you’re interested in getting on board with Airbnb real estate investing, it’s best to understand the different trends that affect this investment strategy.

Airbnb bookings are highest in big cities, making them perfect for real estate investors in pHoenix.

You can use hard money to make upgrades and add important security features to get your listing ready and to make money.

Home Rehabs

Home rehabs, similar to house flipping, is another amazing way to earn money with had money loans.

Upgrading and updating your real estate investments is necessary to compete in a strong market like Phoenix. Home rehabs make it easy to make large one time repairs, like upgrades for rentals, or make even more money for a property when listing.

Making the right repairs for your home rehab can boost your passive income and but more cash in your pocket.


Investing In Foreclosures

Buying foreclosures seems like a big risk. In fact many real estate investors cite it as the top money earning strategy.

Finding the best foreclosure to purchase is an art in itself, but it makes sense to start investing in foreclosures. Extremely undervalued properties in need of repairs are a house flippers dream. You can even find great rental properties and make the most of your investments.

You can use almost any kind of hard money loan to invest in foreclosures. Bridge loans are great for filling in funding gaps. While Fix and flips, and home rehab loans make repairing and purchasing your property easy.

Hard money loans are perfect for foreclosure properties. They close fast, require no credit checks, and get you funded in 2 days or less. Hard money loans see the value in foreclosure properties, unlike banks who are quick to pass on risky properties.



In order to make money, you have to spend money, but that money doesn’t have to be yours. Hard money loans help investors, make more money by speeding up their investments, and keeping you focused on your bottom line.  You can use hard money to make more money in these 9 ways.


  • House Flipping: Tried and true method for buying, repairing and selling homes. Using hard money makes it easy to repair our property.
  • Wholesaling: Buying extremely undervalued properties to sell to investors. You can use hard money to buy properties quick in order to resell them.
  • Renting Houses: You can use hard money loans to buy and upgrade your rental homes and start building passive income.
  • Vacation Rentals: Hard money loans make adding top of the line features to your rental easy with home rehab loans.
  • Commercial Real estate Investing: Hard money loans make buying or building commercial spaces fast and easy. You can jump in on a great property faster than ever with a hard money loan.
  • Mobile Home Investments: You can invest in land, and mobile homes ensuring large monthly rentals and well cared for properties.
  • Airbnb: Similar to vacation rentals, you can make much-needed upgrades to make your rental more desirable to Airbnb renters by adding security and luxury features.
  • Home Rehabs: Repair old properties to make them more desirable for renting or listing.
  • Foreclosures: Invest in fast moving and undervalued properties. Use Bridge loans to buy properties faster, or even fix and flip hard money loans to get great investments.


What’s your favorite way to use hard money loans?


Prime Plus Mortgages

Prime Plus Mortgages is a licensed hard money lender. We specialize in hard money loans, bridge loans, fix and flip loans, home rehab loans, for developers, property flippers and buy-and-hold strategists. HML programs make private money available for small to medium scale projects.